Geographical Indication Protection in the UK and China: A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis Workshop:
Dr. Gail Elizabeth Evans who is the key staff of the module participated as a presenter to Geographical Indication Protection in the UK and China: A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis Workshop on 24 June 2019 at Faculty of Law, University of Oxford and made a presentation called “The Assessment of Genericness and the International Registration of Geographical Indications: Developments within EU and US Free Trade Agreements”.
‘Roll Me Like One of Your Kebaps’ Summer School:
The Summer School “Roll Me Like One of Your Kebaps” was organized by Istanbul Board of European Students of Technology between 17-27 June 2019 at Istanbul Technical University with 20 participants from 14 different countries. Students from Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Iceland, Serbia, Moldova, Russia and France participated to the summer school. The students were coming from different departments like civil engineering, computer engineering, law, chemistry and biotechnology.
The Module Coordinator Dr.Didem Özgür, and the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Metallurgy of Istanbul Technical University, the key staff of the Module, Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik participated to the summer school as invited speakers. Dr. Didem Özgür and Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik made presentations about, Turkish Cuisine and The Protection of Geographical Indications and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed in the European Union Law and in the Turkish Law to the participants of the summer course on 21 June 2019 at Istanbul Technical University. In the afternoon session of the event, the participants made presentations about the products that were registered as geographical indications in their countries. In their presentations, the students also mentioned the problems of the registered products in their countries and made their suggestions. Their presentations were assessed by Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik and Dr. Didem Özgür and the students got their final marks for the summer school.
Quality Policy of the European Union and the Protection of Geographical Indications and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed in the European Union Law Seminar:
Within the scope of the dissemination activity of the Jean Monnet Module “The Protection of Geographical Indications and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed in the European Union Law and the 30th Anniversary of the Jean Monnet Programme “Quality Policy of the European Union and the Protection of Geographical Indications and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed in the European Union Law” Seminar took place on 17 May 2019 at Istanbul Technical University. Nermin Kahraman, Sector Manager for Agriculture (Including Food Safety, Veterinary, Phytosanitary Policy) from Delegation of the European Union to Turkey participated to the seminar as an invited speaker. Nermin Kahraman made a presentation about Quality Policy of the European Union and Protection of Geographical Indications and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed in the European Union Law to the participants during the seminar. The Module Coordinator Dr.Didem Özgür presented the activities of the Jean Monnet Module to the participants and she also gave information about the protection of Traditional Specialities Guaranteed in Turkey and gave information about Jean Monnet Programme to the participants. Apart from the students and academics, experts who are working at the Ministry of Agriculture, lawyers, technology transfer office representatives, trademark and patent attorneys attended to the seminar.
Geographical Indications Seminar:
For the outreach activities of Jean Monnet Module and the Attitude, Investment and Domestic Goods Week the module coordinator, Dr.Didem Özgür was invited to Handan Ziya Öniş Primary School to make a presentation about geographical indications on 19 December 2018.
Geographical Indications Seminar:
The Geographical Indications Seminar took place at Istanbul Technical University on 14 December 2018. Dr.Didem Özgür presented the activities of the Jean Monnet Module to the participants and she also gave information about the protection of geographical indications in the European Union Law. The key staff of the module who is Assist. Prof.Dr. Gökmen Gündoğdu from Yıldız Technical University gave information about the protection of geographical indications in Turkey. Birol Uluşan from Metro Gross Market presented the activities of Metro Grass Market about geographical indications to the participants. Apart from students public authorities, lawyers, technology transfer officers, trade mark and patent attorneys participated to the seminar.
Geographical Indications Seminar:
Information Seminar for Cooperatives about Geographical Indication Registered Products in Eastern Black Sea Region held on 03.12.2018 in Giresun, Turkey. Asst.Prof.Dr.Gökmen Gündoğdu who is the key staff of the module participated to the seminar and made a presentation about “Geographical Indications”.
Erasmusdays 2018:
Info Day of the Jean Monnet Module was organised at Istanbul Technical University on 12 October 2018 within the scope of Erasmusdays 2018. In the Info Day Dr.Didem Özgür presented the activities of the Jean Monnet Module to the participants. In the Info Day general information about the protection systems of geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed both in the EU and in Turkey was given to the participants. Dr. Didem Özgür empasized the cultural heritage dimension of geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed to the participants in the Info Day.
International Seminar: Geographical Indications Afyonkarahisar Gathering:
The module coordinator, Dr.Didem Özgür and key staff and Dean of Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Prof.Dr.Beraat Özçelik participated to the “International Geographical Indications Seminar Geographical Indications Gathering” from 04-05 October 2018 in Afyonkarahisar. The seminar was organised by Afyonkarahisar Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Geographical Indications Research Network in Turkey. Governance and control of geographical indications, latest developments about geographical indications in Turkey, examples of geographical indications from Afyonkarahisar, geographical indications gastronomy and tourism subjects were covered in the seminar.
Hakan Kızıltepe, Geographical Indications head of department from Turkish Trademark and Patent Office, Claude Vermot- Desroches from Comté Cheese Chairman of the Inter-professional Management Committee, Christian Telaude from Chairman of the Board of the Olive World Institute, Hacer Nihal Sayar from Turkish Standardization Institute and many speakers about geographical indications from different countries and institutions participated to the seminar. The presentations of the symposium and additional information can be found at Local Products and Geographical Indications Research Network in Turkey’s internet page
WIPO Regional Seminar on Intangible Capital and Global Value Chains:
Dr. Gail Elizabeth Evans who is the key staff of the module participated as a presenter to the WIPO Regional Seminar on Intangible Capital and Global Value Chains in Baku, Azerbaijan on 05.06.2018 and a made presentation called “Capturing the Benefits of ‘Commodity Innovation’ Using Geographical Indications to Reform Global Value Chains”.
Europe Day:
Module Coordinator, Dr.Didem Özgür made a presentation about the activities of the module as a best practice example in Europe Day on 05.05.2018 in Ankara to the Eurodesk Network in Turkey. The event was organised by Eurodesk Newtork in Turkey under the auspices of Turkish National Agency.
Current Issues on Industrial Property Seminar:
Current Issues on Industrial Property Law Seminar took place at 06.03.2018 at Istanbul Bilgi University. Asst.Prof.Dr. Gökmen Gündoğdu who is the key staff of the module participated to the seminar and made a presentation called “The Relation between Trademarks and Geographical Indications and the Amendments about Geographical Indications in 6769 Numbered Turkish Industrial Property Law."
Geographical Indications Seminar:
For the outreach activities of Jean Monnet Module and the Attitude, Investment and Domestic Goods Week the module coordinator, Dr.Didem Özgür was invited to Istanbul Technical University Development Foundation Dr.Natuk Birkan Primary School to make a presentation about geographical indications on 14th December 2017. More than 250 students participated to the seminar.
EUGIs Module Presented to the European Commission Delegation:
Within the Celebration of 30th Anniversary of Erasmus+ on 25th October 2017, the module coordinator Dr.Didem Özgür presented the aim, activities, publications and impact of the EUGIs module to the Delegation of the European Commission led by Martine Reicherts, Director-General of the DG Education & Culture of the European Commission and the Delegation of Turkish National Agency led by Mesut Kamiloğlu at Koç University within the framework of delegation’s two day visit to Turkey.
International Symposium: Turkey's Geographical Indications Cradle: Upper Mesopotamia Symposium:
International Symposium: Turkey's Geographical Indications Cradle: Upper Mesopotamia Symposium: was held from 06 to 07 October 2017 in Mardin, Turkey. The symposium was organised by Tigris Development Agency and Local Products and Geographical Indications Research Network in Turkey. The module coordinator, Dr.Didem Özgür participated to the symposium.
The situation of geographical indications in Turkey, examples of geographical indications from Turkey, governance and control of geographical indications, geographical indications and Mardin subjects were covered in the symposium. Prof.Dr. Jean Louis Rastoin from Sup-Agro Montpelier, Hakan Kızıltepe Geographical Indications head of department from Turkish Tardemark and Patent Office, Selma Tozanlı from CIHEAM/IAMM, Musa Öztürk, Mardin Science Industry and Technology Provincial Director and many speakers about geographical indications from different contries and institutions participated to the symposium. The presentations of the symposium and additional information can be found at Local Products and Geographical Indications Research Network in Turkey’s internet page
Current Issues on Industrial Property Seminar:
Current Issues on Industrial Property Law Seminar took place at 6 June 2017 at Istanbul Kultur University. Asst.Prof.Dr. Gökmen Gündoğdu who is the key staff of the module participated to the seminar and made a presentation called “The Relation between Trademarks and Geographical Indications and the Amendments about Geographical Indications in 6769 Numbered Turkish Industrial Property Law.
Sub-Regional Seminar on Traditional Knowledge and Sub-Regional Seminar on Geographical Indications:
Dr. Gail Elizabeth Evans who is the key staff of the module participated as a presenter to the Sub-Regional Seminar on Traditional Knowledge and Sub-Regional Seminar on Geographical Indications in Baku, Azerbaijan from 30-31 May 2017 organized by World Intellectual Property Organization and made presentations called “Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and the Protection of Distinctive Signs”, “The Case Study of the Practical Protection of Traditional Knowledge Through Distinctive Signs in European Countries”; “Other Avenues for the Protection of Distinctive Signs for Origin-Based Quality Products: The Use of the Trademark System and Other Legal Means”.
Information Session on Geographical Indications:
Information Session on Geographical Indications took place at World Intellectual Property Organization on 28 March 2017 in Geneva Switzerland. Dr.Gail Elizabeth Evans who is the key staff of the module participated to the Information Session on Geographical Indications in 28 March 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland at World Intellectual Property Organization and made a presentation titled “Features of the Different National and Regional Geographical Indication Protection Systems: Contemporary Models of Registration”.
Erasmus+ Centralized Actions Info Day:
Erasmus+ Centralized Actions Info Day was held on 31st October 2016 in Istanbul organized by Turkish National Agency. In the Info Day Dr.Didem Özgür who is the module coordinator of the “The Protection of Geographical Indications and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed in the European Union Law-EUGıs” module, made a presentation about the module as a success story.
4th International Seminar on Geographical Indications:
The module coordinator, Dr.Didem Özgür participated to the “4th International Seminar on Geographical Indications” from 27-28 October 2016 in Antalya, Turkey. The seminar was organised by The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Local Products and Geographical Indications Research Network in Turkey, Turkish Patent Institute, Antalya Commodity Exchange, Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network, CIHEAM IAM Montpellier.
Branka Tomé from EU Commission, Abdelwahed el Aazoum from The Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network –oriGIn, Pellissier Jean-Paul from CIHEAM IAM Montpellier, Filippos Sekkas from Greek Ministry of Agriculture, Umut Kavlak from EU Delegation to Turkey and many other speakers from different institutions and countries participated to the seminar.
Detailed information about the seminar and presentations of the seminar are on the internet page of Local Products and Geographical Indications Research Network of Turkey